Ropeway construction process

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Ropeway construction process

Ropeway construction is a complex process that involves careful planning, engineering, and implementation stages. This guide provides a step-by-step overview of the ropeway construction process, from initial project approval to the issuance of the Safety Inspection Certificate, ensuring a safe and efficient ropeway system.

Project Approval and Land Use Rights:
The construction party initiates the project approval process with the local government department and provides the necessary "Construction Project Approval Documents." This step involves obtaining official approval to proceed with the ropeway construction. Additionally, the construction party secures the required land use rights to ensure the designated area is suitable for the project.

Cableway Route and Station Determination:
The construction party plays a crucial role in determining the cableway route and identifying the locations for the upper and lower stations. This phase involves careful consideration of factors such as topography, accessibility, and environmental impact. Through comprehensive evaluations, the optimal route and station locations are selected to ensure efficient transportation.

Contractor Selection and Contract Signing:
To carry out the cableway construction, the construction party conducts surveys to select a suitable contractor. This process involves evaluating potential contractors' capabilities and expertise in ropeway construction. Once a contractor is chosen, contracts are signed for cableway equipment procurement and technical services, outlining the specific requirements and responsibilities of both parties.

Infrastructure Preparations:
Before the actual construction begins, the construction party completes necessary infrastructure preparations. This includes ensuring road access, water supply, and electricity connections to support the construction process. Adequate infrastructure preparations are essential for smooth operations and facilitate efficient construction activities.

Regional Surveys and Preliminary Designs:
The cableway contractor conducts detailed regional surveys of the selected cableway route. This phase involves examining the terrain, soil conditions, and other factors that may affect construction. Based on these surveys, preliminary designs are prepared, considering factors such as tower placement, cable alignment, and support structures.

Cableway Route Alignment:
Collaboration between the cableway contractor, construction party, and civil engineering unit is crucial to accurately determine the cableway route alignment. Through joint efforts, precise calculations and measurements are conducted to ensure the cableway route aligns with the approved plans. This collaboration enhances the overall accuracy and safety of the ropeway system.

Geological Surveys and Report:
Geological survey units conduct comprehensive surveys along the cableway route to assess geological conditions. These surveys help identify potential risks or challenges that may affect the construction and operation of the ropeway. The geological survey unit provides a detailed "Geological Survey Report" that outlines the findings and recommendations for the cableway construction.

Cableway Design and Station Building Requirements:
Based on the "Geological Survey Report," the cableway contractor utilizes the findings to complete the overall cableway design. This includes designing the cable system, station equipment, and support structures. Furthermore, the contractor provides specific requirements for station building design to ensure functional and safe stations.

Station Building Design and Construction:
The construction party signs a contract with the civil engineering unit for station building design and construction. This phase involves the construction party Daqin collaborating closely with the civil engineering unit to ensure compliance with design specifications

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